Air Travel & Sustainability in the Context of Transcultural Artistic Work

In times of the global climate crisis, air travel is frowned upon as an ecological burden, but it must be viewed in certain contexts from a broader perspective. We invite you to address the question of ecological action not only from a European perspective but also from a perspective outside of the Global North.
According to our working principle of fair cooperation, the context determines the definition in transcultural artistic work. In Germany and Europe, sustainability is often measured by ecological standards: the fewer intercontinental trips, the fewer emissions. However, in many world regions, especially in the Global South, sustainability encompasses broader dimensions: political, economic, cultural, and historical. Against the backdrop of colonialism and a structurally unequal world, restricting mobility from the Global South to the Global North perpetuates existing privileges and perpetuates historical inequalities.
Transcultural artistic exchange, interpretations, and international understanding are not possible without intercontinental mobility: How else can meaningful encounters occur?
Only in this way can projects and productions be visible in the locations of both partners and accessible to a diverse audience.
Only in this way can we and our partners connect with local civil societies and create genuine encounters.
Especially in times of democratic crises, right-wing shifts, and sociopolitical tensions, the imperative fight against climate change in all its urgency must not strengthen the 'Fortress Europe.'
While our working principle of fair cooperation necessitates air travel, it does not render all our efforts for carbon neutrality meaningless. In our work, we adhere to all the standards within our possibilities that still allow us to engage in transcultural, fair, and sustainable practices:
We efficiently coordinate the arrival of international artists with projects, festivals, rehearsal, and performance processes taking place during the same period.
We collaborate with artists with whom we have existing partnerships and with whom we are working, among other initiatives, in our 'Diversity: International Network Arts Education' established in 2022, towards diversifying artistic perspectives and approaches to education.
We collaborate with artists and experienced facilitators who have not been socialized in Germany, aiming to create added value in artistic quality and cultural education for the participants in our programs and for our audience.
We work on the preparation and follow-up of our collaborations with our partners in the digital space.
We offset the CO2 emissions from the booked flights and prioritize circular economy, the use of rental services, and train travel whenever possible in our productions, events, and projects.