
a musical wrestling performance
Whether at the kitchen table, in a bar, on the streets, at work, or among friends, emotions are running high. Debates on war, speed limits, migration, gender inclusivity, meat vs. tofu sausages, they all set society in motion. But is there one right answer, or is the fundamental question different? How can we coexist, even when we have different opinions? Our solution to all these problems: Wrestling!
In "WHAT THE FUCK," four performers step into the ring together, not just as wrestlers but as representatives of a polarized society armed with the clichéd labels of our time. We celebrate constructive conflict, the struggle for interpretive dominance, and express ourselves musically on the stage. Each performer and wrestling persona gives voice to the pain and aspirations of their respective milieu. They grapple not only with each other but also with the prejudices and stereotypes we all share, which both divide and create identities. The performance joyfully slams the audience with current discourses, as the artists stomp on prejudices and put climate deniers, conservatives, and political correctness in a headlock.
"WHAT THE FUCK" is a rhetorically, musically, and politically daring theater performance that interweaves concert and wrestling show in an interdisciplinary manner. It defies easy categorization, transcending trash entertainment and leaning more towards a musical wrestling event. "WHAT THE FUCK" aims to negotiate the confrontations and conflicts within our society, examining our own role in them and questioning whether a bipolar worldview, where there must always be a winner, is still relevant. It's about more than just being "right"; it's about our sense of belonging and our emotions - the human struggle for understanding and acceptance.
Through a blend of music, performance, and serious societal discussions, the audience embarks on a journey into the complexity of our globalized and multipolar world. "WHAT THE FUCK" is an invitation to strengthen our tolerance for ambiguity and practice seeing things from different perspectives. In a world where we must learn to coexist, even when we hold different viewpoints, this performance provides a platform for reflection and self-examination. If we can't achieve a united, harmonious society, can we at least strive for a more tolerant form of coexistence?
PERFORMANCE Mika Amsterdam / Raffaele Bonazza / Selin Dörtkardes / Varia Linnéa Sjöström // DIRECTOR Felix Banholzer // SET AND COSTUME DESIGN Silvie Naunheim // DRAMATURGY Judith Weißenborn // PHOTOGRAPHY Verena Eidel
"A parallel universe of heroes and villains is opening up, a titanic battle between heavyweights of social confrontation. Clear the ring!" (Tagesspiegel, Patrick Wildermann)

Eine Produktion des Heimathafen Neukölln in Kooperation mit bridgeworks.

January 27, 2024
January 28, 2024
February 23, 2024
February 24, 2024
May 9, 2024
May 10, 2024
each at 7:30pm
Heimathafen Neukölln
Karl-Marx-Straße 141
12043 Berlin
grab your tickets here
past dates
November 16, 2023
November 18, 2023
November 19, 2023 (followed by a post-show discussion)
December 1, 2023
December 15, 2023
December 16, 2023
January 27, 2024
January 28, 2024
February 23, 2024
February 24, 2024