
paralysis شلل

simultaneous performance 

The much-cited global village seems to have become reality: Thanks to modern technologies, long distances are no more than a stone's throw away. Long-distance phone calls, on the other hand, are only a vague memory, and video telephony is no longer pop-culture dreams of the future. And yet encounters at eye level and harmonious coexistence are more utopia than reality - origin, borders and prejudices still play a major role. But why is that so?

In Paralyse شلل, six actors get to the bottom of this question. 4,000 kilometers away from each other they play simultaneously - in Ramallah and Cologne. In a hybrid of video installation and spoken theater, the personal and private are juxtaposed with the grand political narratives of the two cultural areas, and stumbling blocks on the path to greater cohesion are examined. In the process, the question arises again and again: Do cultural identities exist at all, or are they actually regional and personal relationships? Who are we? Who am I - and if so, how many? 



PERFORMANCE Hanin Tarabay // Moaiad Samad // Ibrahim Najem // Nicki Frenking // Henrike Hahn // Tilman Strauß // SET DESIGN & COSTUMES Silvie Naunheim // VIDEOARTIST Mirko Borscht // CO-DIRECTOR Firas Abu Sabbah // DIRECTOR Felix Banholzer // SPECIAL THANKS to Viola Hilbing, Samer Maklouf

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR  


Heimathafen Neukölln, Berlin

at the same time at
Al-Kasaba Theatre, Ramallah, Palestine

25. + 31.07.2021

Heimathafen Neukölln, Berlin

at the same time at
Al-Kasaba Theatre


Heimathafen Neukölln, Berlin

at the same time at
Al-Kasaba Theatre


Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim

at the same time at
Al-Kasaba Theatre


The performance is staged in German, Arabic and English.