The Trial

"Someonemust have slandered Josef K., because one morning without him doing something wrong, he was arrested."
True, this production begins with this familiar movement... In the fast-paced, crazy and in this form unprecedented adaptation, however, the process acts as a fruitful encounter - in content as well as in form. A confrontation with the unknown in a time of growing fears towards the strange and alien.
Director Simon Eifeler staged the process in the summer of 2016 in Ghana's Accra with three local actors. Fascinated and inspired by the power of the unknown as a source of creative power and diversity, he realized the process with three German actors once again in Düsseldorf after his journey, in order to collide these two versions of Kafka's novel in an intercontinental staging.

WITH Felix Banholzer // Yibor Kojo Yibor // Marius Bechen // Benjamin Nii Amu Solomon // Lars Evers // Jeneral Nta Tia // DIRECTOR Simon Eifeler // ASSISTANT Melih Celik // COSTUME Uta Materne // PROJECT LEAD Dennis Palmen
Theaterfabrik Düsseldorf,
Accra, Ghana
Premiere international