Research Visit: Jerusalem

No conflict worldwide polarises people more than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After decades of rapprochement, truces and peace negotiations, renewed distancing and military action follow again and again. Each time anew, the situation seems a bit more tense and a little more intractable than before - as so often already, we stand helpless before the riddle. This region of the world, barely larger than some island, seems to be a focal point of the conflict of interests of a polarizing world politics.
Two great narratives and a history of confrontation stand opposite each other, separated by a wall, barbed wire and soldiers. The Israeli and Palestinian narratives seem controversial and incompatible - but despite all adversities, hope remains for a peaceful solution. Every step you take here, you go on historical ground - the Holy Land - so complex, so confused and above all with so much history and cultural wealth afflicted.
This wealth of stories and tradition has led bridgeworks to choose this world region as a partner culture for 2020.
For three weeks, Felix Banholzer and Simon Eifeler travel to Jerusalem to meet theaters, cultural institutions and artists, to attend musical dance and theater performances, and to develop a feeling for the structure.
The aim is to find cooperation partners, performance venues, rehearsal locations and people together with whom bridgeworks can jointly create the art-lab 2020.